* * Please BOOKMARK THIS PAGE, or save this web address: https://pcrrusa.tripod.com/index.html
This website is dedicated to a fallen, but great American Railroad, the Penn Central (1968-1976), & contains very useful information for modelers, restorers, historians, railfans, & anyone else interested in the PC. Enjoy, & visit us again. Please click on the following links to proceed:
Main Menu:
*Heritage Unit: A Penn Central painted locomotive is being used on a Class I RR once again- NS/PC 1073 -an SD70ACe EMD heritage unit painted by NS- was out of the paint shop from IN, as of June 2012. May it work the lines in PC paint for a long time.*
Brief Summary about the Penn Central
In-Depth Information about the PC
*Railroad DVDs, CDs, & Books of CR, PC, N&W, NS, CSX, AMT, Chessie, Steam, Cab Rides, Shortlines, & More from 1-West Productions™* [Source for RR-Related material]
PC-Related Discussion Forum/Guest Book [For PC-related discussions, information, & questions among other PC fans & visitors.]
PC Little-Known Facts & Cool Things (Radio Info, Debunked Myths, Rare Info, Etc.)
PC's Predecessor/Parent(NYC, NH, PRR) and Subsidiary Railroads, and Other Related Companies
PC Locomotive Information (& Roster)
PC Freight Equipment Information (& Roster)
PC Equipment & Other Sightings
PC Modeling Information (Mainly for HO scale)
*Railroad BLOG of Past & Present [Railroad Blog of past & present, full of informative Railroad topics, inluding the PC, CR, past & present railroads & railroad topics, fro 1-West Productions™]
*[NOTE- This site has no access to information about past employees, records, stocks, insurance policies, retirement info, legal situations or documents, who to contact, land owned by the ex-PC, nor any other related information concerning the Penn Central RR (including the New York Central, Pennsylvania, New Haven, its predecessors, and other owned companies). This is a privately-made/owned website for preserving the history of the PC, mainly for historians, hobbyists, railfans, and railroad modelers, and has NO affiliation nor connection with the real company/companies that now own or has connections with the ex-Penn Central, and its subsidiary railroad companies. This site cannot answer any of those related questions. This site is also not affiliated with any other PC RR site.]
[This site is not updated on any set time basis.]
*Please Bookmark This PC Page For Future Reference, And Tell Your Friends About This Site*
(~Please excuse the ads. The website provider must have these in order for this to be a free site. Thanks.~)
© COPYRIGHT 2001-2020 pcrrusa/pjordan;
All Rights Reserved. This website, including all pages on this website connected with it, and the material within it, is copyrighted and owned by the
owner/author of this site, and shall not be reproduced, copied, altered, public transmitted, nor used without
prior permission from the author and website owner. This site has no
affiliation with the real Penn Central Company (that now has a different
name), this site is privately made/owned, and intended to help preserve the
HISTORY of the PC RR. All information was gathered from the webmaster's own
extensive research from various sources, but with the webmaster's own wording.